Workplace Culture

Bridging the Gap: Essentials for Creating a Workplace Culture of High Trust, Teamwork and Innovation – Part 2

In Part 1, I reviewed common culture gap challenges and how it affects trust in the workplace.  In part 2, I'll focus on how to build up your team's trust. Behaving Your Way into a New Mindset Jerry Sternin, author of The Power of Positive Deviance: How Unlikely Innovators Solve the World's Toughest Problems wisely [...]

Bridging the Gap: Essentials for Creating a Workplace Culture of High Trust, Teamwork and Innovation – Part 1

Organizations of all types must navigate the complexities of today’s economic environment and the shifting priorities of their workforce, customers and communities. At the surface, dealing with the volatility, uncertainty and ambiguity can feel overwhelming and confusing. But when you look below the surface you can sense an erosion of trust at all levels: between [...]

The One Best Way to Motivate and Manage Millennials

Volumes have been written on the challenges of managing and motivating the new generation of workers. They have a negative reputation for wanting instant advancement, needing constant feedback, having a poor work ethic, and not responding well to traditional management approaches. Many of the senior managers we have executive coached have expressed frustration in their [...]

7 Best Practices to Transform Organizational Culture

Clients often ask for a best practices roadmap to create a culture of innovation, accountability and ownership. While each organizational culture journey is unique, these best practices will help guide you on that journey. #1. Assess your culture. You must know your starting point if you want to take a journey. We recommend an organization-wide [...]

Re-humanizing business with social media

Social networking tools like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook etc. are re-humanizing business. That was my biggest take-away from from the Ohio Growth Summit 2009 which had an entire track devoted to social media for business. I must admit I was surprised. Although I have been pretty active on LinkedIn for some time: I am only [...]

Organizational Trust Requires Alignment

In previous blogs we have reviewed Stephen M.R. Covey's first two "waves of trust" - self-trust and relationship trust - derived from his ripple effect metaphor of trust. The model which is introduced in Covey's book, The Speed of Trust, suggests that trust is interdependent and flows from the inside out. Covey's third wave of [...]

An Integrative Definition of Leadership

Leadership has many definitions. At Leadership Beyond Limits, we subscribe to the efficacy of transformational leadership as presented by Bass and Avolio (1994). This leadership definition implies that leaders lead followers to levels of higher morals. In addition, transformational leadership implies that the followers are better off with the four I's of: 1. Idealized influence [...]

RIP George Carlin, and thanks for vuja de

The recent passing of George Carlin has meant the loss of one of our generation's sharpest observational critics. Many people mainly remember Carlin for his more notorious comedy bits, but I often found his jokes as insightful as they were funny. I was recently reminded that he is credited with coining a term that has [...]

Your Organization in One Word

Elizabeth Gilbert, in her best selling book Eat,Pray,Love describes a discussion with friends about the vibe of different cities. The friends suggested that each city has a word that defines it and identifies most of the people who live there. Whatever the majority "thought" might be is the word for the city. If you've read this [...]

The Richest Man in Town

This story has mainly been told in the Midwest, where a motivational speaker V.J. Smith was so touched by a Wal-Mart cashier that it ended up changing his life, and the lives of thousands of others. Smith was so impressed by the warmth and genuine personality of Aaron "Marty" Martinson that he began to talk [...]

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