Executive Coaching Programs

Sometimes leaders need an impartial  thinking partner. Someone they can trust with confidential matters, important business challenges, and even personal struggles. Confidential one-on-one coaching is a proven strategy that supports leader development tailored to top executive needs.

Our clients seek executive leadership coaching for many reasons:

  • Navigating a succession, or other similar major change
  • Help overcoming a hurdle to get to the next level
  • Fixing a nagging “soft skills” or “people problems”

Bring the Team Together 

Executive team coaching is one of our specialties. Our executive team coaching is often focused on helping great individual leaders become a great leadership team. We are often engaged to work with a top team to:

  • Create a system-wide culture shift
  • Break down silo’s and improve collaboration across functions and geographies
  • Improve change leadership

Develop the Next Level of Leaders

Programs to develop high-potential, next level leaders are also a specialty. We work with our clients to co-design programs that prepare the talent pipeline with:

  • Action-learning to create tangible outcomes while building skills
  • Learning programs to develop specific leadership skills
  • Coaching and team coaching to individualize development

Our coaching engagements are:



We work together for a limited engagement, usually 10-12 sessions over 5-6 months.


You identify two or three major goals; we coach you to achieve them.


  • We bring all of our best tools and advice to the table, as well as being your coach and thinking partner.


  • Most of our engagements begin with scientific assessments of your individual strengths motivations and values.