
Authentic Happiness: Homepage of Dr. Martin Seligm

Dr. Martin Seligman is Director of the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania. Develop insights into yourself and the world around you through these scientifically tested questionnaires, surveys, and scales. To access some of the surveys and questionnaires Click Here!

What Will be Your Legacy?

I just wrote my Mom's eulogy so I have spent the last several days contemplating her legacy. It made me realize the true value of keeping legacy in mind every day- for each decision, each action, each time we interact with one another. It can be easy to lose sight of these truly important things [...]

Happy Cows? Happy Workplace: The Secret to Success

Do you remember the California Milk Advisory Board commercials from 2002? They highlighted the slogan: "Great cheese comes from happy cows. Happy cows come from California." The ads featured talking and signing cows discussing the pleasures of life in warm and sunny California. The underlying message was that happy cows give better milk. Ironically, the [...]

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