


Re-humanizing business with social media

Social networking tools like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook etc. are re-humanizing business. That was my biggest take-away from from the Ohio Growth Summit 2009 which had an entire track devoted to social media for business. I [...]

RIF Recovery: Healing, hope and health

A new study by Leadership IQ reveals the glaring truth about the reduction-in-force aftermath. If you have recently experienced a reduction-in-force in your organization, three-fourths of your employees are likely experiencing a decline in productivity. [...]

Reduction-in-force: Who is really impacted?

A friend had been anticipating a pink slip for weeks. The employees of her company had been told it was coming, but of course no one knew who would be impacted. Over these weeks she [...]

By |April 24, 2009|Categories: All Blog Posts, layoff, recovery, reduction-in-force, RIF cultural impact|0 Comments

Recovering from a reduction-in-force: It starts with healing

If you've recently experienced a reduction-in-force your organization you've probably noticed that no one is currently showing up for work. Sure the survivors are in their chairs, but everyone is doing more with less and [...]

By |March 26, 2009|Categories: All Blog Posts, down-sizing, hope, layoff, recovery, reduction-in-force|0 Comments

Is a reduction-in-force the answer?

There is no doubt that the current economic environment may require unprecedented solutions for poor business performance. The national unemployment rate climbed to 8.1% in February, indicating that layoffs might be the "go to" solution [...]

By |March 24, 2009|Categories: All Blog Posts, employee morale, layoff, recovery, reduction-in-force, turnover|1 Comment

Organizational Trust Requires Alignment

In previous blogs we have reviewed Stephen M.R. Covey's first two "waves of trust" - self-trust and relationship trust - derived from his ripple effect metaphor of trust. The model which is introduced in Covey's [...]

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