Appreciative Inquiry
The future is not a result of choices among alternate paths offered by the present, but a place that is created- created first in the mind and will, created next in activity. The future is [...]
Positive Psychology
The most basic assumption that positive psychology urges is that human goodness and excellence are as authentic as disease, disorder and distress.- Chris Peterson, Ph.D. Positive Psychology is the science of human flourishing that emerged [...]
Employee Engagement Model
"Corporations have the potential to discover a deeper business purpose - maximizing profits and maximizing shareholder value, while necessary, is not a particularly inspiring goal." - John Mackey, CEO, Whole Foods The Need For A [...]
Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. -J. F. Kennedy Organizations Transform When Individuals Transform We support leaders in the growth process of becoming transformational leaders. What are transformational leaders? Let's start with what [...]
Implement Best Practices
"Leverage the wisdom of your best to transform the rest faster and more predictably than you ever thought possible." - Bill Seidman, Chief Executive Officer, Cerebyte Would You Believe That All Your Employees Could Be [...]
Cultural Evolution
We are going to see companies increasingly assume that what they stand for in an enduring sense is more important than what they sell. -Jim Collins "Best Companies to Work For" Know the Real Value [...]