
Higher Purpose is More than Saving the Planet

When you think about organizations focused on higher purpose, you may think about those that explicitly work for the benefit of future generations, create a more just society on a mass scale, and develop sustainable solutions, such as United Nations, The Elders, or The Mother Theresa Foundation to name a few. The positive impact these [...]

Why You Must Lead Millennials by Coaching

There are two critical numbers you need to understand if you employ Millennials: Only 29% of employed Millennials are engaged at work. A full 87% of Millennials say professional development or career growth opportunities are very important to them in a job. These two critical findings come from the wide-ranging Gallup 2016 research report: “How Millennials Want [...]

Authentic Happiness: Homepage of Dr. Martin Seligm

Dr. Martin Seligman is Director of the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania. Develop insights into yourself and the world around you through these scientifically tested questionnaires, surveys, and scales. To access some of the surveys and questionnaires Click Here!

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