What Will be Your Legacy- part 2
After a couple of solid years of regular blogging, my posts have become infrequent due to a personal decision to take care of my sick mother. This was a full-time commitment that took up most [...]
What Will be Your Legacy?
I just wrote my Mom's eulogy so I have spent the last several days contemplating her legacy. It made me realize the true value of keeping legacy in mind every day- for each decision, each [...]
Thinking Happy Thoughts at Work a Joke?
The Wall Street Journal ran an article titled Thinking Happy Thoughts at Work on January 27th. Reading the title alone, one might assume that the author, Sue Shellenbarger, sought to trivialize the Positive Psychology movement [...]
Make 2010 a Year of Appreciative Inquiry
As I contemplate resolutions for the coming year, I can think of nothing better than to commit to the over-riding goal of making 2010 a year of appreciative inquiry. I resolve to look for moments [...]
Are You A Dream Manager?
I recently read a book called The Dream Manager by Matthew Kelly. The book is based on a fictional tale of the leadership of a janitorial services company reviving the organization. The secret to their [...]
Appreciative Inquiry Empowers Cleveland
I had the privilege of participating in the City of Cleveland's Appreciative Inquiry Summit held August 12-14. The Summit was titled Sustainable Cleveland 2019: Building an Economic Engine to Empower a Green City on a [...]